Tuesday 28 February 2017


Today I will talk about two genres and a movie taking as the example of genre in this blog, which is 'PARANORMAN'.


What is Horror film? Horror film Horror film is a genre that aims to create a sense of fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the audience. These films are often unsettling and rely on scaring the audience through a portrayal of their worst fears and nightmares. Horror films usually center on the arrival of an evil force, person, or event. Many Horror films include mythical creatures such as ghosts, vampires, and zombies. Traditionally, Horror films incorporate a large amount of violence and gore into the plot. Though it has its own style, Horror film often overlaps into Fantasy, Thriller, and Science-Fiction genres.

First of the example of horror in this movie 'PARANORMAN', in drama class Norman has been cast as a pilgrim in the school play, which tells the story of the Blithe Hollow Witch who killed seven puritan settlers before being hanged from a tree. During the rehearsal, Norman's mind drifts and in his mind he watches as the class-stage begins burning away and ghostly faces appear all around him.

Second example of horror is at school, Norman runs into the bathroom and shuts himself in a stall, unaware that Alvin is occupying the stall next to his. Norman has a vision of the stall coming to life: the toilet overflows, the tiled walls ripple in waves, the walls close in on him. Alvin intently listens to Norman's frightened yelps. Norman crawls up onto the tank and is surprised as the toilet seat flips open, revealing the ghost of Mr. Prenderghast within. His ghost leaps from the bowl and floats before Norman. He catches Norman up-to-speed. He tells him that every year for the last three centuries someone in Blithe Hollow has had the ability to communicate with the dead, and that on the same night every year that person has been tasked with going to the grave of the Blithe Hollow Witch and reading a book aloud. Mr. Prenderghast has been doing it for years, and was going to do it tonight, but died before he could do it. Since Norman is the only other "dead-speaker" in town, the task has fallen to him. The book is at Mr. Prederghast's house, in his dead body's hands. Norman must go and retrieve the book and read it at the Witch's grave or all hell will break loose.

The third example of horror is after a lengthy trek, he comes to the burial site where he sees 7 gravestones arranged in a circle. With the sun quickly setting Norman opens the book and begins to read aloud. To his surprise the book is nothing more than a fairy tale -- Sleeping Beauty, but nothing out of the ordinary. Alvin arrives and bully Norman thought his book. Norman tries to take the book back, to complete the mission, but the sun fully sets and the ground begins to quake. Dark clouds, with green lightning, erupt over the cemetery. One-by-one the tombstones crack and their occupants, 7 of them, awaken. The zombies circle the pair of them and Norman, able to speak with the dead, overhears the most prominent of the seven say "STOP!" Alvin freaks out and the two flee the cemetery.

The forth example of horror is Neil, Mitch and Courtney get into Mitch's van to find Norman. As they speed along the rural road en route to the cemetery they nearly hit Norman and Alvin who emerge from the woods with the Zombies hot on their tail, and Mitch, distracted by Norman and Alvin, suddenly flattens a man standing in the road. Mitch exits the van and inspects the body. He quickly discovers that it's the Zombie leader and punts his head into the woods. The van is surrounded by Zombies and Mitch steps on it, unaware that the leader has latched himself to the back of the speeding van. The group frantically speeds through town, nearly running over a motorcycle cop, Sheriff Hooper (Tempestt Bledsoe), who turns around and pursues the van. The high-speed chase comes to a stop when the van veers off the main road, rolls down an embankment, and miraculously lands in a parking space without killing anybody. The Zombie leader, in pieces, follows after them.

The fifth example of horror is the townspeople, who have congregated in the town center are prepared to storm the Town Hall to kill the Zombies, but their plans are foiled as the children slowly exit the building, guarding the Zombies behind them.

Norman tells them that the Zombies mean them no harm and that they are afraid of them. The ghostly clouds swirl above them and send down lightning which shatters the bronze Witch statue at the center of the square. The ominous clouds cackle with hatred. The townspeople see the error of their ways and allow the lead Zombie to take Norman to the Witch's grave. Norman's parents drive Norman, Courtney, and the lead Zombie to the edge of the forest and carefully make their way into the woods. The trees crack and explode ahead of them, barring all but Norman from entering the forest.
At its center Norman sees the young girl from his vision, Aggie (Jodelle Ferland), only glowing bright yellow with violent electricity coursing through her. She is next to the tree from which she was hanged. Norman attempts to approach her, but she blocks his every attempt. First she sends sharp roots up out of the ground at Norman and then she tears the ground apart, sending large chunks of it hundreds of feet in the air, with Norman upon them. Norman leaps toward her and extends his hand to meet hers.

The sixth example  of  horror is the dark, swirling, evil clouds appear over the town square, and an evil Witch-like face materializes within them. Green lightning bolts rain down on Norman, and one nearly misses Norman, hitting the leather-bound book instead, frying it.


What is comedy film in the genre? Comedy is a genre of film that uses humor as a driving force. The aim of a comedy film is to illicit laughter from the audience through entertaining stories and characters. Although the comedy film may take on some serious material, most have a happy ending. Comedy film has the tendency to become a hybrid sub-genre because humor can be incorporated into many other genres. Comedies are more likely than other films to fall back on the success and popularity of an individual star.

First example of comedy in this movie is Mr. Prenderghast returns to his dilapidated home, enters his bedroom, and grabs a strange leather-bound book from his desk. As he turns to leave and his soul come out from his body but return back to his body and said 'he can not die so fast at this time'. However, he suddenly die and his soul cant return back to his body, with the book firmly in his hands. His spirit leaves his body, and the frustrated and now dead Mr. Prenderghast realizes that he is a ghost, and has a mission to accomplish before he can move on to Paradise.

The second example is when zombies come to the town, there is a town man is vending machine to buy food. He had put in the money and the food is turning out.

Suddenly, there are some zombies coming to the man, he was nervous and dont know what should he do, he waiting the food drop down from machine but he see the zombies were coming. When zombies arrives the man there, the man run away but the food had dropped out.
However, the man run back to take it and run away with shouting.


As a conclusion, there are few genres in this 'PARANORMAN' movie such as horror, comedy, teens film and action. However, I had give two example of horror and comedy. The target audience of this film is teenagers between 13-19 years old because this age of teenagers is turn into the rebellious period. Therefore, this is a good example of film to teenagers.

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