Tuesday 7 March 2017



Today I will be talking about several German Expressionism had used in this film, Dark City. 


In the beginning, John Murdoch  who has lost his memory and is placed in maze like city. Therefore, he had a mission which is to find out why at the stroke of 12. He cannot fall asleep at the night but others citizens can. Besides that, he also had a mission which is to find out his memory because he had lost his memory but has a short memory about him being at Shell Beach. Finally, he had restore his memory and happy ending with his girlfriend, Emma.


In this film, there is distortions that can be seen. Distortions means is a change, twist, or exaggeration that makes something appear different from the way it really is. You can distort an image, a thought, or even an idea. For example, when John Murdoch and Mr Book were combat, they used their power and tuning power turning into translucent pattern. Another example is as you can see that when the aliens are moving, the way they move are by levitating.However, the way of the aliens levitate seems to be in a posture that makes it look like it is distorted. The last example is the aliens are using the power to reshape several buildings while the building is changing.

Another elements that can be seen in the film is surreal effect. Surreal effect is strange and not seeming real. For example, the city was seem like maze. There is one of the character had try a way to escape from this city but he had failed it, On the other hand, when Emma met Doctor Schreber, the thought of the maze can be notice in his office. Doctor Schreber put a mouse into a maze and see the mouse whether can escape from the maze. 

In this film, the self-analysis can be found. Self-analysis is a systematic attempt by an individual to understand his or her own personality without the aid of another person. For example, John Murdoch had lost his memory and finding the place which is Shell Beach. He started to find out the answer at his surroundings without any person help him.  

Besides that, revolt also can be found in this film. Revolt is they refuse to be controlled or ruled, and take action against authority. For example, Doctor Schreber intention to help John Murdoch to against the system. Thus, when Mr Book requested Doctor Schreber to imprint John, he inject John's memory that John was looking for. This scene clearly show the revolt when Doctor Schreber was against the aliens.

Another example is when John had discovered that he was able to tune, he went to aliens there and against their system. He use his powers to against the aliens in order to find the answers that he is looking for.


In conclusion, this movie had use several German Expressions such as distortions, surreal, self analysis and revolt. When this film had used the German Expressions, it created a amazing and meaningful film. 

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