Friday 21 April 2017


What is documentary? Documentary is a type of film that is based on the real world and real people, depicting things as they are or telling about historical events in a supposedly truthful or objective manner. Motion picture that shapes and interprets factual material for purposes of education or entertainment. Therefore, there are biggest differences between fiction film and non-fiction film. Fiction film is refers to literature created from the imagination whereas nonfiction is refers to literature based in fact. However,  the truthiness of documentary lose its reliability because every techniques, equipment, angles, footage and other technical decisions are based on the filmmaker. 


There are 6 types of modes represented documentary such as Poetic, expository, observational, participatory, reflexive and performative. Firstly, poetic documentary is instead of using traditional linear continuity to create story structure, the poetic documentary filmmaker arrives at its point by arranging footage in an order to evoke an audience association through tone, rhythm, or spatial juxtaposition. 

Besides that, the expository of documentary is constructs a specific argument or a point of view for the audience. Generally, the formula is a resonating, authoritative voice that tells you something with corresponding footage proving that it is, indeed, true.

Moreover, the observational of documentary is exactly what they sound like and they aim to simply observe the world around them. This mode is also made audiences to observe themselves and let them come out with their own conclusion on it.

Furthermore, the participatory of documentary is include the filmmaker within the narrative. This could be as minor as the filmmaker’s voice being heard behind the camera, prodding subjects with questions or cues, usually by being interviewed. 

In addition, the reflexive documentaries are similar to Participatory in that they often include the filmmaker within the film. However, unlike Participatory, they make no attempts to explore an outside subject. Rather, they focus solely on themselves and the act of them making the film. 

Lastly, the performative of documentary is an experimental combination of styles used to stress subject experience and share an emotional response to the world. They often connect personal accounts or experience juxtaposed with larger political or historical issues. The performative documentary also emphasizes truth as relative, favoring a personal take over the objective lens. 


The Blair Witch Project, co-writer/director/editors Eduardo Sanchez and Dan Myrick's faux documentary about an urban legend, has created its own mythology.  They had interviewed a local folks about this incident. After this interview, they set on a trip into the woods to collect this documentary footage for their project. Unfortunately, this project takes a frightening turn because the students were losing their way in the woods. Thus, this project begin horrific. 


In this documentary, there are three modes of representation which are the reflexive, interactive and performative. Besides that, the techniques of this documentary to shoot by interactive and reflexive and overall of this film was used the performative representation. 

First of the mode can be found in the film is reflective representation. It is because at the beginning 15 minutes of the film, there are three main cast were talking about what type of camera and equipment would be prepared to shoot this documentary. On the other hand, the camera's footage had been constantly exposed by the three main cast and they also showing their camera to the audience through the mirror. Besides that, there are many shaky footage shot in the film. It is because they wanted to remind audience that they are watching a documentary as well as nonfiction film. The handheld camera cause the film become more horror because it makes the film seem more real and it was happened in real time. 

In addition, performative representation also can be found in the film. As you can see that in the beginning the students are passionate and excited for shooting their documentary. Before enter the woods, they were happy to buy foods, introduced their camera and having fun. However, when they start to occur some horrible incident such as unknown stone graves build around their tent, entering the voodoo ground, child's voices at night, as you can see that they show their suffering and afraid through expression and action in this film. Adding on, when they started to feel depression and misfortune because they had losing their way in the woods. Therefore, they shows the conflict happened between the students in the film. 

Lastly, another mode had been used in this film is the interactive representation. They went to town and interview a person who had encounter this incident before. Adding on, during this interview was including the students' voice and even showing their body parts. Therefore, this effect enhance the authenticity between the interaction of the interviewer and the students and audience will think this was real and overall activities was supernatural. 


As a conclusion, I think the Blair Witch Project was better then other documentary because it can made the audiences fell into the filmmaker's trap and think this documentary was real and happened in real time in spite of this documentary was fake. 

1 comment:

  1. sentence structure, grammar and word choice.

    describe the scene. dpn't use timing. Need to reorganize your points.
