Friday 21 April 2017



What is feminist film? Feminist film theory is theoretical film criticism derived from feminist politics and feminist theory. Feminist have many approaches to cinema a analysis, regarding the film elements analysis and their theoretical underpinnings. In early film theory and criticism was directed at the stereotype representation of women in classic Hollywood film. This stereotyped image of women in classic Hollywood had a negative effect on female spectators. Therefore, their was a call for more positive representations of women in Hollywood. In classic Hollywood film is derived towards more positive representations of women but is till not enough. But the main problems is that classic cinema narrative is constructed by men. Therefore, representing women from a male perspective. In classic cinema the representation of women was how men viewed women. 


Olive, a quirky, assertive, and yet unnoticed high school, played by Emma Stone, makes up a story for her best friend, Rihannon, about losing her virginity. In the process, her fake story is overheard by a gossipy "Jesus freak" who spreads the rumor. Her lie becomes the talk of the school and a reputation is created. Olive, somewhat enticed by her new found notoriety, decides to play into the "slut" persona. In fact, inspired by her class assignment reading of "The Scarlet Letter," she sews a red A on all of her clothes.Her gay friend, Brandon, who has been incessantly physically and socially bullied asks her to fake having sex with him to give him some peace. Their plan works and other boys begin giving Olive gift cards to have her say they did sexual things together in order to look cooler.Olive continues to play into the slut persona, at first much to her amusement. However, with the passing of time she realizes the web of lies she has weaved is actually causing her more problems than she had anticipated. And with a series of twists, that would include spoilers if I go into them, Olive decides to reveal the truth to everyone.


The first theory can be found is Olive was being discriminated in the movie. It is because the character of Olive is a kind and sympathetic women as she paid by the guys and in willing to help them so that the guys had a opportunity to lie them about having an matter with Olive. As this rumors about Olive had been spread out so everyone who were around Olive started to discuss her. 

Besides that, Olive was enjoyed getting the attention although she was being looked in a wrong manner even had been discrimination from other people. Actually the film are reflection of society. Therefore, Easy A was a patriarchal society. For example, one of the scene is have a guy asked Olive foe help by the pool, in the beginning Olive was reject it. However, when Olive notice the guy emotional after the rejection, she went back to help him. Thus, due to the character of Olive is sympathetic so you can see that how she help the guys. Adding on, Olive's best friend which are Rhi and Marianne help Olive protested when everyone given her a bad name. Another scene can be related this scene is Olive helped Mrs Griffith by telling everyone about she was the person who cause the Marianne's boyfriend obtain a disease. Even though Mrs Griffith had married, but she thought everything done by her is correct as she is at the legal age. 

Lastly, the character of Mrs Penderghast who is Olive's mother is a liberal women and open-minded parents. It is because she was understand her children's thoughts. As you can see the scene about Olive was telling her mother about Brandon and everything that had happened is school. We can obviously observe that Mrs Penderghast was showing some support to Olive by giving her some advice and sharing her past story to Olive so that Olive would not be depressions. 

Moreover, the next character is called Marianne. She is a fanatic women because she always judgement a person by her own religion and believe that everything has happened according to God. She was hate Olive because she can't accept that Olive sex with many partners before marriage. As she was religious in Christian so everything issue that she talking was related to Bible. 


As a conclusion, the movie of Easy A was showing various of representation of females including bad portray and good portray. Therefore, film nowadays was not only negative portray of female and also positive portray of females.  

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